Medicare Information

Medicare patients are welcome at Placer Private Physicians. The direct primary care model we offer is particularly well suited to handle the more complex medical issues and medication management often associated with older patients. We can spend the time necessary to manage chronic disease and optimize your health and wellness.

As your Medicare physician, we are required to bill Medicare on your behalf for certain medical services we provide. Also, Medicare participants are responsible to pay a yearly Medicare deductible that we will collect for you. Your membership is otherwise no different from our non-Medicare patients and will include all of the great conveniences and benefits which are not covered by Medicare.

Here are some of the exceptional services not covered by Medicare that we provide to our members:

  • A routine comprehensive medical exam with advanced screening not covered by Medicare
  • 24-hour direct physician communication via email, phone, or text messaging through an advanced smart phone application
  • Telemedicine – video conferencing available to you for “face to face” appointments to avoid the inconvenience of a trip to the office
  • Home visits for medically appropriate situations
  • We will meet you in the emergency room when necessary to assist you in making medical decisions and to make sure your questions are answered
  • We will visit you in the hospital to make sure your questions are answered and that you understand the self-care plan after your discharge